Investment criteria

ECODEV favors a flexible approach adapted to the realities of the contexts in which it operates. The investment criteria are listed below.


Where Endeavour Mining operates: West Africa, with a specific focus on Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and Mali.

Eligible promotors

Private promotors operating in the targeted countries.

Eligible projects

New projects, or projects needing structuring and upscaling (greenfield – brownfield).

Eligible sectors

No sector exclusion, but ECODEV strongly favors projects with a high economic, social and environmental impact (See Impacts page).

Financial instruments

Debt, equity, quasi-equity. No grant.

Expected impact

See Impacts page.


ECODEV targets a 20 to 25% IRR for each project.


Flexible, from 3 to 7 years.

Exit strategy

Prefered strategy is rebuying shares by funded company.

Minimum financing by promotor




ECODEV funding

From US$ 200 000 to US$ 5 millions.

Other criteria

Promotors track – record, and their knowledge of the local context, are closely assessed.

Additional information can be obtained through contacting ECODEV management team.