

3 African countries in focus

3000 Jobs created

20 Projects funded

20.000 Impacted households

20 – 25% Average IRR


  • Combine financial performance with economic and social performance
  • Rely on the valorization of local resources around each operating site
  • Create jobs and local wealth

Direct beneficiaries of investments are local promotors and contractors; but the funding also affects households, national SMEs, cooperatives, institutions, and other facilities benefiting from the projects implemented, whether it is through a better valorization of their production or by an improved access to better services or products.

ECODEV wishes to gather a network of partners willing to invest in projects with positive local impacts : institutions, banks, private companies.


NECODEV’s investment reference framework is defined according to the best international environmental and social practices: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, IFC Guidelines on Environmental and Social Issues, ILO Standards, Regulatory National Framework.

Monitoring and impact assessment are based on a theory of change. For each project, a results framework and a theory of change are defined.